Special Zarda Recipe by pakistani chefs

Special Zarda Recipe by pakistani chefs
Special Zarda Recipe by pakistani chefs

zarda   is a delightful traditional sweet dish that holds a special place in Pakistani cuisine. Often served during special occasions, Zarda is made with aromatic basmati rice, sugar, ghee, nuts, and cardamom seeds. The dish derives its name from the Urdu word 'Zard,' meaning yellow, which explains its vibrant yellow or orange hue.

Special Zarda Recipe by Shireen Anwar

Ingredients for Shireen Anwar's Zarda Recipe

* ½ kg Basmati rice (soaked)

* ¼ tsp Yellow color

* ½ tsp Salt

* 6 Green cardamoms

* 6 Cloves

* ½ cup Clarified Butter (Ghee)

* 4 tbsp Sliced Almonds & Pistachios

* ½ kg Sugar

* 1 cup Khoya

* 2 tbsp Chopped Red & Green Cherries

* 125g Gulab jamun & chamcham each

Step-by-Step Method for Shireen Anwar's Zarda Recipe

1. Soak the rice for 30 minutes before cooking.

2. In a pan, boil water with salt, green cardamom color, and cloves.

3. Add the soaked rice and cook until done.

4. Drain the cooked rice and set it aside.

5. In a separate pan, heat ghee with ½ cup water.

6. Add sugar to the pan and stir until dissolved.

7. Mix in the boiled rice, sliced almonds, and pistachios.

8. Cover the pan and cook on medium heat until the sugar syrup starts to dry.

9. Lower the heat and place the pan under a tawa (griddle), leaving it covered with a damp cloth until the Zarda is fully cooked.

10. Finally, add khoya, ashrafis, gulab jamun, and chamcham to enhance the flavors.

11. Serve the deliciously prepared special Zarda hot.

Zarda Recipe by Rida Aftab

Ingredients for Rida Aftab's Zarda Recipe

* ½ kg Boiled Rice

* 6 Cardamoms

* 250g Sugar

* 250g Ghee

* 250g Whole Dry Milk

* 50g Raisins

* 50g Chopped Coconut

* 50g Ashrafiyan

* 100g Almonds & Pistachios

* ½ tsp Kewra

* ½ tsp Yellow Food Color

* ½ tsp Saffron

Step-by-Step Method for Rida Aftab's Zarda Recipe

1. Put the rice in a bowl, add yellow food color, and sufficient water. Boil the rice.

2. In a separate pan, heat ghee and cook the cardamoms until fragrant.

3. Add sugar and water to the pan to prepare the syrup.

4. Once the syrup is ready, add almonds, pistachios, saffron, ashrafiyan, raisins, coconut powder, whole dry milk, kewra, and boiled rice.

5. Simmer the mixture for 30 minutes, allowing the flavors to blend.

6. The delicious special Zarda is now ready to be served.

Khoya Zarda Recipe by Samina Jalil

 Ingredients for Samina Jalil's Khoya Zarda Recipe

* ½ kg Boiled Sela Rice

* ½ kg Sugar

* 250g Whole Dried Milk

* Mix Dry Fruits (as required)

* Green Red Ashrafiyan (as required)

* 4 tbsp Orange Peel

* ½ cup Clarified Butter

* 4-5 Cardamom Pods

* Yellow Color (as required)

* A few drops of Screw Pine Essence

* 1 Sterling Silver Leaf

* 3-4 Cloves

Step-by-Step Method for Samina Jalil's Khoya Zarda Recipe

1. Add cloves and yellow color to the rice and boil until fully cooked. Strain the rice and set it aside.

2. Heat clarified butter in a pan and fry cardamom and cloves.

3. Add sugar and 2 cups of water to the pan. Let it boil until the sugar dissolves completely.

4. Incorporate the boiled rice into the sugar syrup.

5. As the sugar syrup gets absorbed, add the screw pine essence and let it simmer.

6. Once fully cooked, mix in whole dried milk, all dry fruits, and orange peel.

7. Transfer the Khoya Zarda to a dish, top with a sterling silver leaf, and serve.

Sawaiyon Ka Zarda by Rida Aftab

Ingredients for Rida Aftab's Sawaiyon Ka Zarda

* 1 packet Vermicelli

* ½ tsp Yellow Food Coloring

* 250g Dried Whole Milk

* 1 ½ cups Sugar

* 1 cup Clarified Butter

* ½ liter Milk

* Almonds (as needed)

* Pistachios (as needed)

* Silver Work (as needed)

* ½ tsp Cardamom

Step-by-Step Method for Rida Aftab's Sawaiyon Ka Zarda

1. In a pan, heat clarified butter and fry the vermicelli until golden.

2. Add milk, yellow food coloring, and cardamom to the pan and cook on low flame.

3. Once the milk dries up, add sugar and continue cooking.

4. As the sugar water evaporates, incorporate dried whole milk, almonds, and pistachios.

5. Transfer to a dish, garnish with silver work, and serve.

 Khoya Zarda - Quick Recipe

Ingredients for Quick Khoya Zarda

* ½ kg Boiled Sela Rice

* 3 Cardamoms

* 4-6 Cloves

* ½ kg Sugar

* 250g Whole Dried Milk

* Mix Dry Fruits (as required)

* Tutti Frutti (as required)

* 4 tbsp Orange Peel

* ½ cup Clarified Butter

* 3-4 Cardamom Pods

* Yellow Color (as required)

* 1-2 drops of Screw Pine Essence

* 1 Sterling Silver Leaf

* 3-4 Cloves

* Water (as required)

* 2 cups Water

Step-by-Step Method for Quick Khoya Zarda

1. Add cloves, cardamom, and yellow color to the rice. Boil until fully cooked, then strain and set aside.

2. Heat clarified butter in a pan, add cardamom and cloves, and fry them.

3. Incorporate sugar and 2 cups of water into the pan. Let it boil until the sugar dissolves.

4. Add the boiled rice to the sugar syrup.

5. Once the sugar syrup is absorbed, add screw pine essence and let it simmer.

6. Mix in half of the whole dried milk and serve the Khoya Zarda.

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